Tuesday, July 27, 2010

How Swede it is to be loved by you


Sorry for the lack of updates lately, but hanging with my parents has really threw off my `backpacker internal blog clock´. I will attempt to catch you up.

I met up with my Kevin and Mary in Stockholm where we all hung out and did family things, such as testing out every Swedish beer we could find and sleeping in till noon. We also went to a museum on a ship called the `Vasa´which was a really big, really old built of the finest Swedish engineering that sank 20 minutes after it lauched. In the 50´s they dug it up from the depths of the harbor and it is now on display.

After Stockholm the Henle´s traveled to Borås to meet up with the expansion pack to the family, Karl. We stayed with his parents and toured around his hometown. I had been there 5 years ago with Erik Braegelmann it the city really hasn´t changed a whole lot. They have more statues than before, but the McDonalds, main square, and establishments are all still in their spots. They did however remove a outdoor urinal/toilet that I remember an angry Finnish guy storming out of last time. I also met up with a few of Karl´s friends, one of which remembered Erik and I vividly and actually (to my absolute amazement and glee) remembered the chorus of `I Like Beer´.

Once our time in Borås came to an end we headed to Copenhagen for a few days where we are currently staying. Our accomodations are...unique. It is a cabin style room that looks like its straight out of a Japanese apartment. The beds are all stacked on top of each other and the entire bathroom converts into a shower. I´ll have to check this place out a little more and give you an update.

Next stop is back to Stockholm for a flight (possibly).


1 comment:

  1. Hello bud...your family is back safe and sound - now, get back to backpacking!
