Sunday, June 27, 2010

1 world cup, 5 beers, and 1.8 million Hamburgers

Guten Tag,

The hostel I'm staying at in Hamburg has by far been the quietest yet. It has set the mood for my stay here over the last few days. The first day I explored the city quite thoroughly walking around and noting the architecture and marveling at the parks (which most cities in Europe excel at crafting). It also got me contemplating the varying etiquettes used by the locals when it comes to crossing the street in various countries.

To illustrate: In London people crossed the street whenever then wanted and the colour of the light made little to no difference. In fact, if you stood waiting for the light to change when there were no cars coming you might be pushed over by the mass of people behind you waiting to get across. Conversely, here in Hamburg there may be one person waiting at an intersection with absolutely no cars on the horizon and the light just turned red and they will wait a full 4 minutes for the walk sign to reappear. At first I felt out of place just walking across, fearing that Hamburgeain J-walking laws may be the strictest of the EU, but I have yet to encounter any resistance.

My other pastime here has been visiting the Harley Davidson festival which is occurring a few blocks from my (eerily empty) hostel. The rally just ended today, but I saw my fill of Road Kings and Sportsters. Also set up at the rallypoint were tents to watch the World Cup matches. It has been great to visit these, drink a beer, and get into the games. As of today Germany just beat England (in a stellar performance) and the city erupted with honks and cheers. It has been about 4 hours since the game ended and people are still driving down the streets celebrating and waving flags. I am switching my support based on the country I am currently in and supporting the local team. This helps in making friends and with the US out, why not?

One more full day in Hamburg then off to Berlin!



  1. I think it's a great idea to cheer for the country you're in...I heard those soccer fans are wild! Anxious to continue to read your postings...deep roots, big wings, that's my son, I'm sooooooooo proud of you....I love you more than the Berlin world! xxxoo Mim

  2. How are you getting to Berlin if its also in Germany? Did you find a crafty method of beating Eurolines? I've heard that Germany has crafted the first-ever invisible Volkswagen, so please be careful whilst you jaywalk.

  3. Mickey- I did the same thing with the world cup. in berlin i rooted for germany. in amsterdam i rooted for holland! so go for it! it works and its worth it! although ive developed a love for the german team i cant seem to shake! and dont jaywalk...we dont need u going to jail for jaywalking in germany (although it may be a good reason for my return to europe, to bail u out!) haha anyway, enjoy berlin! i cant wait to read about it!!!

  4. They didn't have an option to go to Poland from Hamburg so I had to go to some other country that I didn't want to at the or buy another ticket for €20. I chose the later option and it has panned out so far. Not enough time has passed yet to report in blog-form though...

    Also, Berlin seems much more liberal in their jaywalking laws so I think I´m safe except if that comment about the VW proves true.
