Thursday, June 10, 2010

Two backpackers walk into a Barcelona...


It is as if each new place we travel to keeps getting better and better. I fear that this trend cannot be sustained much longer.

Barcelona is absolutely great. The hostel where we have been staying has the best showers of the entire trip thus far. It is a huge improvement over the ones in London where, to operate, a button had to be pressed every 15 seconds or the water would stop and there was no temperature control. Other than the awesome bathrooms the facility is clean and has a quaint kitchenette where simple meals are easily produced.

The people here are also super fun. The first night the hostel organized a sangria night where we met a huge group of friends. The next night we went out with a group of 9 people to grab kebabs before heading out on the town. (FYI: drinks in Barcelona are extreeeeeeeeemely expensive if you are on La Rambla, the main street. We are talking €6 bottles of budwiser, €8 Vodka Redbulls, €8 Bloody Mary´s (sorry Kem), or €10 Mojitos. This is a far cry from the €1.8 liter bottles of beer in Lisbon. Moral of the story: pregame)

Today it was raining in the morning, but it cleared up and we made our way to the beach. This officially marked the first time I had set foot in the Mediterranean. It was awesome except for the large wave that almost stripped me of my speedo. Needless to say it was a huge wave. Tomorrow we plan on climbing a mountain that is only a few blocks away from our hostel and do some minor sight seeing before we leave the day after.

The trip will march forth as Raven and I fly to Lyon, France. A lot of other French cities would have cost over €100 to fly/train/bus to. Dunno what awaits on on the next leg, but if the past is any indication, it is going to be epic.



  1. HI Honey - sooooo good to see your blog - through your writing we can tell you are super duper! We love reading about your journeys - you're humor and witty writing is a joy to read. It sounds like Barcelona was your fave so far....a speedo? What color? We love you more than all of the world....We, we, have fun! Mom and Dad xxooo

  2. Lisbon up, I'd never go into a Barcelona... although I'd be Lyon if I said I hadn't thought about it. My friend bet me that if I went to a bar alone I'd London a guy or two, but I Belgium that, on the contrary, I'd Netherland a guy if I went by lonesome. Thoughts?

  3. Where are the pictures of you in your speedo?

  4. Haha, I just reread this. And yes, those London bathrooms were the worst worst worst. You lost your towel in the bathroom! On the first day! What else must be in that chasm? I feel like Russel Davies could write that into one of his plots: the unknown crannies of hostels and the odd trinkets left behind. If we had gone in search of your towel I bet we would have found a sonic screw driver.
