Thursday, June 17, 2010

If ya can't Belgium, join em'


I will preface this post with a brief statement on the way Belgian's set up their computer keyboards. In short this is the most annoying one yet encountered. Just a few letters are out of place, but not enough to warrent constant monitoring of the keys I stroke. This ultimately ends up to cause more work as the backspace must be freauently employed. Ah the trials of travel... But who cares about keyboards lemme fill you in on Brussels.

So far the city has been rated the highest in the 'Character' category by both Raven and myself. Lots of cool sites to see in the city that I feel is grossly over underrated and often forgot about. One of my favorite sites has been of the peeing boy . Dunno how or why its popular, but it was cool to look at. Tomorrow we tour a Brewery which I will scrutinize fully and compare to the superior Shell's Brewery.

After that excursion we leave for Amsterdam the next day via bus. It is the last stop for Raven on her tour and the place the solo journey begins.


P.S. We did get waffles and they were decent, but I think what the Belgians started, Eggo may have perfected.


  1. I would like you to post a picture of the peeing boy - I think I can imagine it, but would like to see what you're seeing....there definitely is a character (named Michael) in a place with lots of, love your humor (you get that from your Mim!) xxxooo

  2. You ignorant Americans would complain about modernized keyboards that execute their directive with proper efficiency. August Dvorak, a Great American Hero, is rolling in his grave with ageless tears soaking his decaying scull.
