Monday, August 23, 2010

I thought I'd Pragueably be sick of Europe by now...Bratislava it!

DobrĂ½ den,

Disclaimer: I am in a very noisey resturant/clubish thing right now having a mixture of Queen and Operatic music blasted at me with a chorus of drunkards mumbling along in the background, so the amount of ramblings and misspellings are bound to be greater than in other posts I have made.

After leaving Dresden and the fine comfort of my hostpitable hosts, I arrived in Bratislava on a whim. On the surface the city was less than exciting. I decided that I did not need to book a hostel before I arrived. I soon found a hostel on the side of the road and took up residence there for a few days. I mostly just hung out in the hostel and actually saw no sights the entire time I was in the city. The first day I went out with a Danish guy and a girl from New York and we explored the town finding it to be similar to a morgue on a monday night.

The next day I spotted a KFC with the most padded, cushiony seats in existance that side of the Danube. I then spent the majority of the day reading Atlas Shrugged (which I am not even half done with) and munching on chicken wings and mashed potatoes.

Later that evening I met up with some English people and an Italian I met the previous day and we went out and had a much more exciting evening. The next day the whole crew went out on an adventure and found the most exciting and memorable part of Bratislava; a crystal clear lake in the middle of the city. The whole day we spent lounging on the beach swimming out to the depths and diving off a dock they had. It was awesome to be out enjoying the sunny weather and getting a tan in my speedo which no one seemed to mind me wearing.

I then traveled to Prague where I met up with a friend, Jade, whom I encountered on a bus ride from Budapest to Dresden. We hung out for the day and she showed me around the city. Later that night we went to an club where they only played 80's and 90's music. With this they show the music videos on a huge screen. The whole time I felt like I'd look over in the corner and see a young Mary Dittrich and Kevin Henle jamming in the corner. To my relief they were nowhere to be found.

The next morning Jade and I traveled to the airport to pick up Mark Grindy who arrived at 8 AM. Due to a late night and some oversleeping we got there at 9 and could not find him anywhere. After running to every terminal we found him scrunched up by a computer with horrible internet access trying to get a message to me. In the end it all worked out and we have been seeing sights and sampling local brews ever since. One place in particular, hippy bar, which was set in someones apartment was one of the highlights and coolest, chill bars yet encountered.

At this very moment we are exploring how to make it to our next destination, Krakow, but are finding it slightly difficult to find a bus company to provide. Perhaps we will be training our way there...

After a few days in Poland we will find ourselves back in Prague where Mark has to fly home from. Then I will take off to Frankfurt where I will depart as well. I can't believe its almost the end of my trip...



  1. oh what a night...late September back in 63, what a very special time for me...we were jamming in the corner....this blog is Praguedely my favorite...counting the days! Just got to have a birthday beer with Molly, she's counting you more than the Prague world...hello Mr. Grindy! Love, MIM

  2. Mary Dittrich would have been 3 years old in late September of 1963!!
