Saturday, August 28, 2010

Frankfurted so I gave his head a Krakow. He Pragably won't do it again


Mr. Grindy and myself finished up our time in Prague with style. We went to another eclectic bar with a bunch of old gizmos on the wall such as wheel parts and typewriters. They served traditional Czech brew which was delicious to say the least. The next day we traveled around the city a little more and viewed the castle up close as well as visiting the Kafka museum. I don't know if I will ever have the capacity to fully understand the exhibit, but it was quite interesting none the less. After a wild day of sightseeing we decided to unwind with a Karaoke bar. I have never sung real karakoe before, but it was quite the epic experience. There were some highs and some lows, but we all had a great time until the cops came and told us all to quite down. This warning went unheeded and they had to come back a second time. Interestingly enough a friend we had met was singing both times the police came. I'm not pointing any fingers, but kind of a strange coincidence, not?

After Prague Mark and I traveled to Krakow for a few glorious days. Here we accomplished quite a bit. In terms of touristy stuff we traveled to Auschwitz concentration camp which was among the most sombering experiences of the trip. However, on a bright note, the chicken soup that they serve there was some of the best I´ve ever had in my entire life. JooJee can attest to that as well. After the concentration camp we also did a tour around the city of Krakow with a stellar tourguide.

In terms of drinking, we enjoyed the brew of Poland in a couple of fine establishments with a few friends we met on the train headed to Krakow. These Polish beverages were accompanied by a bountiful amount of Peirogies which I had been craving since Warsaw. We also went to a swanky place in the Jewish Quarter where the DJ let me use the internet to look up stuff about the Schengen zone. Regardless it was awesome.

The last day in Krakow was rainy and chill so JooGee and I went to see the flick entitled 'Inception' starring the homely Leo DiCaprio. It was a very good movie and was interesting to watch with the Polish subtitles.

After the movie we hung around the hostel before getting on the train back to Prague. Just before boarding we were warned by the porter about roaming groups that would rob us in our sleep. Fearing for our junk we swaped sentry duties throughout the night and were subsequently exhausted the next day.

That day we traveled out of the city to a small (formerly prosperous) town, named Hutna Hora, in the boonies of the Czech Republic. Here we witnessed some impressive old churches including one (Sedlec Ossuary) which was full of bones dug up from people who all died of some plague or something. It was a super creepy place, but the entire trip was very nice.

The next day JooGee left for the US and I hung out with Jade for the rest of the day running some very important errands and then I left on a night bus to Frankfurt and the twilight of my time in Europe.

Frankfurt has rubbed me the wrong way since the moment I got here. I was hungery from my long bus ride so I grabbed some McDonald´s (the only thing open) and the burgers were disgusting even by my standards. I then found the hostel after some searching only to discover they did not have any reservation from me. After sorting that out I went to my room for some nice shuteye only to find that there was a chatfest going on in my room between these slow witted Irish people, a dry Indian, and far to bubbly Finnish girl. This loud conversation lasted until 2 in the morning, much to the shigrin of the other 4 people in the room who were trying, to no avail, to get some deserved rest. Today I set out to get some good Asian grub at a buffet across the street and it was, mark my words, `THE WORST ASIAN BUFFET EVER`. My contempt for this place is so great I won´t even try and make a joke about it. Moral of the story all food in Frankfurt sucks and hostels are bad as well.

Anyways, this city has made me very happy to be going home. See you all soon. My flight is less than 24 hours away!



  1. It so good to read about Germany tours! we are so glad you're coming home as well....see you in a few hours! Love you more than the Frankfurter world...everything has an end, but the wurst has two! Dad says, "don't sugar coat your feelings, he's glad you were frankfurter about Frankfurt...(he thinks he's the senior punmaster!) Love you more than the whole wide world... ps Jogee was be Grindy? Love, Mim and Dad

  2. See... if Frankfurt didn't suck you might not want to leave. God did that on purpose! :)
